Returns Policy
You have 14 days from the date you received your device(s) to request a full refund. The device(s) must be returned as received and in a resaleable condition with the packaging intact. Please ensure that the item you are returning is repackaged with all the cords, adapters, mounting plates components, and documentation that were included when you received to receive the refund in accordance with the terms listed in this policy.
To start your return, please visit our return portal on https://store.bosssecuritysystems/returns. This allows you to return the device(s) to us free of charge, if the return orginates from the UK.
There are some items, however, that are ineligible (or under limited circumstances) for return, including:
3-Day and 7-Day Professional Monitoring plans
Orders shipped and/or used outside of the United Kingdom are void of any returns or refunds
Annual plans can only be refunded if the “Boss alarm kit” is returned within the 14-calendar day window referenced in our standard return policy above.
All other plan transactions are final and are ineligible for a refund and can only be cancelled prior to the next plan renewal.